Ashtanga chats: The low down on Ashtanga Yoga Practice in Newquay @ Shiva…
Join Chloe, Founder of Shiva, as we find out about what Ashtanga Yoga actually is, and why it’s offered here in Newquay.
What is Ashtanga Yoga?
Ashtanga yoga is a set sequence which can be led or practiced in silence at your own pace. We offer the latter here at Shiva; meaning the class is not led by an instructor which can be intimidating for some, but liberating for others.
Why do you prefer to call “Ashtanga” Yoga “Self Practice” instead at Shiva?
The reason for calling this yoga class “self practice” instead of “Ashtanga Yoga” is that we simply want to open the studio for those who want to do their own yoga or movement but in their own time and under their own rules. We really encourage movement of any style here at Shiva, to keep both the mind and body healthy. Be free, enjoy the fluidity of your body and practice in a room with others to vibe off the energy around you. So many of us realised during lockdown how important this can be just to share a space with other people. Plus not everyone knows a the set sequence so we don’t want to exclude anyone.
Why is Ashtanga Yoga or Self practice important to you?
Both Mysore style (meaning silent) Ashtanga Yoga and Self practice is so important to me because I like to practice with other people and share the energy of the room. Also I prefer to practice outside of my house; I like to be in a different environment for a different head space. Practicing Ashtanga Yoga, or any type of yoga for that matter; in my own time, focusing on the breath and slowing down, allows me to really switch off. I feel really refreshed after the yoga class and it’s quite rare that as a society we have time to be on our own, with no distractions of tv, radio or phones.
Why is a Self Practice or Ashtanga Yoga Class not as popular as other styles of Yoga in Cornwall?
A Mysore style Ashtanga Yoga class requires the knowledge of the set sequence which not everyone knows, so that could be one reason. Many students enjoy to be instructed and really love the variety which a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class offers whereas Ashtanga Yoga never changes. Our Newquay based studio offers this class on a weekly basis for anyone who wants to rock up and get moving.

How do I remember the Ashtanga Yoga sequence?
The best way to remember the Ashtanga Yoga sequence is through repetition. Traditionally this style of yoga would be practiced 6 days a week, however with the modern world in which we currently live we appreciate this is ambitious. Instead we invite you to bring along a ‘cheat sheet’ with images of the Ashtanga Yoga Postures, for anyone who needs that extra prompt. However, as I said previously, anyone is welcome to just rock up and do their own practice of any yoga style from vinyasa to rocket, all is welcome.
Why is Ashtanga Yoga cheaper than the other yoga and pilates classes on your timetable?
We have offered this Ashtanga Yoga/ Self practice class at a cheaper rate as there is no instructor. It’s £5 for the yoga class. There will always be a yoga teacher practising along side the other yoga students in the room, who is there for guidance, adjustments and questions but generally this yoga class is silent.
When do you offer Ashtanga Yoga/ Self practice?
We offer Ashtanga Yoga on Friday mornings at 7am; it’s the best way to start the day! The Yoga class finishes around 8.30ish, and many of the students enjoying grabbing a coffee from Shiva Cafe after.