What we covered in beginners yoga, week 1:
This week was all about the intros, moving through ‘Cat-Cow’ warm-ups & nailing Downward Facing Dog – AKA – Adho Mukha Svanasana.
What is ‘Cat-Cow’?
Cat-cow is often used as a gentle warm-up exercise to get the body moving and help increase spinal flexibility and coordination. We often use this type of movement not only in beginners yoga but in the majority of yoga and pilates classes as it’s such a great way to ease into the body.

What is Downward Facing Dog?
Downward Facing Dog is one of the most well-known yoga poses and is often practiced as part of a yoga flow. Believe it or not, this pose can become a resting pose between sequences! It is a fundamental posture that combines both a stretch and strengthening aspects, making it a great full-body exercise.

Incase you missed class or just want a in-depth recap, please click the link below to watch the full lesson!