What is Acro Yoga?
Acro yoga is a playful partner yoga. A typical class will include learning foundational static postures, transitions and flows, whilst building trust and communication with others. 3 people are involved, a base, a flyer and a spotter, all roles are essential to the safe practice of Acro. The bases role can be either lying down or standing, the flyer takes fixed positions or transitions on different placements of the bases body and the spotter is there for safety, protection and to help out when needed.

What can I expect from an Acro Yoga class?
A session typically starts with connecting with yourself, as a classical yoga class would. Then you move onto connecting with others, this is done through partner yoga or group work. You will go over acrobatic techniques, including learning how to lift, and be lifted, whilst learning the correct alignment to do this safely. Communication, trust and patience is integral, these qualities will be built upon through foundational exercises which will build up to more dynamic flows.

Who can practice?
Acro yoga appeals to anyone who is interested in yoga, whether you are a newbie or long term yogi, it is a great way to try something new in this playful practice. No need to worry about not being flexible enough or being frightened by lifts, the practice will help you find mobility, flexibility and strength along the way. Techniques such as bone stacking and positive pressure are introduced and utilised to help you hold with your body weight and save your muscles. Acroyoga is for all bodies!

Why try Acro Yoga?
Besides weekly classes being a great place to learn and get a feel for the practice, they are also a fantastic opportunity to meet other yogis. Like any yoga class, acro is not competitive, however it has the added addition of being a collaborative practice, meaning you have a chance to work with different people in a supported and safe space. Acro Yoga also integrates a sense of play, which is often lacking in adult life. It opens up a space to experiment and move your body and to not worry what you look like. There is fun in success, but also lots of laughter and love in failure. Though the weeks you will learn exercises and techniques to help you improve so no need to worry about not getting it right the first time around. Another reason to try Acro is its perfect if you’re looking for a good workout, ‘lift people instead of weights’ is a common saying in the AcroYoga community.

Why pick an Acro Yoga class in Newquay, Nansledan?
Nestled in the heart of Nansledan, Newquay, you can nourish your mind, body and soul.
The class is every Tuesday from 19:15-20:45pm, total beginners and all levels welcome. Join us to learn new exercises, techniques and come along for a laugh. We can’t wait to see you!